Not all people are ready to be coached at a particular point in their lives. Others may not be coachable at all. If we try to coach a client who is not ready, it could negatively impact our coaching skills and in turn our confidence as a coach.
The Coachability Index is a simple tool that can be administered on the potential client to make sure they are coachable.
The Coachability Index is forced choice questions on the following parameters:
The Coachability Index is deliberately designed as forced choice so the outcome will be that the client is either coachable or not coachable at the time the test is taken.
The questionnaire below is in order of Learnability, Changeability, Believability and Abortability. It is important to mingle them when administering the test.
More than simple arithmetic, focusing on these questions in qualitative manner and providing feedback to the potential coachee would help them to focus where they should focus. When coaches measure The Coachability Index, it enhances the credibility of coaching profession.
Also, coaching requires the commitment of all the people involved and measuring The Coachability Index is a starting point worth investing in.
And last “coaching for getting coached” could be new area for coaches to focus.
R.R. Krishna has about 30 years of work experience, in Human Resources spanning different industries. He is a PCC, – ICF, RPCC – RCS, CMC – BCI/ICC and a CPC from Fowler International Academy and Executive Masters in Neuro Leadership with 15 years of coaching experience and also member of International Association of Coaching, Asia Pacific alliance of coaches and Association of Coaching. Find more about Krishna at
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